The Cult & the Classic
By Leanne Donly
Jun 23, 2020
Let’s talk ‘cult fashion’. We hear this phrase thrown around, generally referring to the latest trends, many of which are short-lived. There’s been many brands that have come and went over the years, in a flurry of ‘here today – gone tomorrow’ style. The latest flavour of the month that as time passes, never quite lives up to that original hype. Because that’s what fashion, particularly fast-fashion, has been pushed towards… the hype machine. Simon See from Stepney Workers Club spoke about it on our blog a few weeks ago – the drive towards the latest hyped styles are never the sneakers that last the test of time, or the ones you keep going back to, and it’s the same with our clothing choices as well.
The ‘hype-machine’ when running at full speed spits out multiple brands with limited shelf-like that we may have passed the time where a brand starts up, is received well, continues to achieve newer and greater heights with each passing season, and eventually achieves a cult status, something beyond the ‘hype’ phrase, and into the category of sartorial stalwarts. But then, every now and again, a brand comes along with no desire of mass-appeal, no focus on a quick buck, but with all their intellect and energy channelled into simply creating the best that can be achieved – a chronicle of established processes that continue to generate impeccable results, and a reimagining of what went before, but better. Enter VISVIM, self-described as ‘future vintage’, and that says it all really.
Founded in 2001 by Hiroki Nakamura, VISVIM has achieved a true cult following for its understated looks, and immaculate craftsmanship. A classic formula of Japanese fashion that continues to deliver enviable results – workwear + streetwear = effortless style. Nakamura, and his wife Kelsi who designs the woman’s collection, travel the world, collecting techniques and textiles that they bring home to Tokyo to research and consider how to incorporate these elements to push their collections to new heights. Native American components, French crochet, and the footwear of the Sami people among their many inspirations, VISVIM builds on this research season after season, continuing to refine their product and offer new insight into classic clothing. This is why VISVIM continues to evolve and is arguably the antithesis to fast fashion.
But more than just an opposition to fast fashion, the clothing is magnificent to look at and a joy to wear. This season’s collection definitely brings the Native American influence to the forefront with feather prints on a classic white tee, or a traditional headdress on a modern white sneaker and fuses it perfectly with Japanese influenced denim kimonos and olive green parkas. This is the pace of classic fashion. Watch your wardrobe build, season after season, a tapestry of global influences that blend effortlessly together. Some may call it ‘cult’, we call it considered.
Images: Visvim
-- EOB